ZHENG Zhilin

ZHENG Zhilin was born in Guangdong in 1991, and currently lives and works in Guangzhou. She graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, where she received her BFA in 2014 and MFA in Painting in 2017. Zheng’s practice revolves around the exploration of imaginative spaces and the abstraction of body language. She fabricates verisimilar and illusionary landscapes with distorted and dislocated features, which trigger a sense of ambivalence and uncanniness. While adept at manipulating  the linear perspective to  attain grotesque movements in the flowing kaleidoscopic scenes, Zheng’s paintings often incorporate subjects of rounded and sturdy human figures and quotidian still lifes which create an effect oscillating between flatness and three-dimensionality.

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2022.08.20 - 2022.09.24
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